EXCLUSIVE VIDEO DEBUT: THE UNRAVELLING’S “MOVE FORWARD UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD”Monday, January 17th, 2011 at 2:00pm by Satan Rosenbloom
One of my favorite parts about the advent of the internet and the cheapening of digital technology is that everyone has the chance to make a bold statement and get it heard. Ten years ago, a DIY band like Calgary, Canada’s The Unravelling wouldn’t have registered a blip on the collective consciousness. Now they’ve got a confident album in 13 Arcane Hymns (reviewed here), currently making the rounds for free, and a sweet video for the album’s most visceral track “Move Forward Until You Are Dead,” debuting exclusively at the tastemaking politics ‘n LOLcats site MetalSucks. All hail Lord Interwebz, may his reign be long and benevolent!
Says vocalist Steve Moore, who gets plenty of blood-soaked screen time in the video: “The song is about revival and perseverance. Like the album, it’s thematically about being buried alive, reclaiming your own existence and finding authenticity on your path.”
The video was directed by Calgarian filmmaker Doug Cook, who has also directed a couple clips for Canadian death metallers Divinity. Moore explains, “We chose Doug Cook to direct the video because of his passion and enthusiasm for the music and message. We completely trusted him to bring this to life visually.”